From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Subdivision settings

Subdivision settings

- [Narrator] In this video we're going to go over the fundamentals of subdivision on Houdini. SO I'm going to go into my objects node here. I've got this little null1 coming off this cross, we're going to go look at that and we're going to select that. Now I'm going to hit escape and H to hone the view. And here we go, we've got our little cross. So one thing we can do in sop level is I could make a subdivide. So I'm going to do tab, subdivide, and I'm going to lay this under the null. And there we go. So here we see the subdivided geometry. And then I can change the depth of that. And then I'll change between Houdini and Mantra and open subdiv, subdivision algorithms. So this is a great way to be able to preview things while you're working to ensure good subdivision at render time. Where you might need to subdivide a model and do some other modeling techniques on it. It's like, okay this looks good, this is what I want. We have some nice curvy edges, but it's still hard surface. So…
