From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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- [Instructor] Now we're going to take a look at using displacement maps with the Principled Shader. So here we've got just a little bit of a different framing of our scene. Now we have this sphere object in the middle of our scene, and we have a material that we've created for this that we're going to put a displacement map on to displace that geometry or render time. And that is this SPHERE object here, and that already has a whole setup with a material assigned. Okay, so I'm going to go inside our MATERIALS network here, and you can see we have our DISPLACE Principled Shader over here. And you can see under Textures, I've just got a Roughness map applied. And actually, if we turn on our Texture View here, we can see that map on our geometry. Make sure you're in a Smooth Shaded mode for that to work right, to look like this. Okay, so I'm just going to turn that back off, just showing that. And so what we want to do now is go over to our Render View, and let's make sure we're looking…
