From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Wire simulation setup

Wire simulation setup

- [Instructor] Houdini has quite a number of different dynamic solvers and we looked at the rigid body dynamic solver and created a wall explosion with bullet, and now I want to show you how we can use the wire solver to create some great, organic, tendrily animation, and this can be useful for all sorts of different things, for secondary animation on characters, or it could be used, for let's say underwater sea plants, or anything you can imagine. I use this often to create kind of cool organic shapes. I have a bunch of stuff already built here for you and we're not going to go again into every single node, there's a lot of different parameters and a lot of detail, but I want to show you the overall functionality of this because this is a unique kind of solver in Houdini, it's the wire solver. And I have a course in the library called Houdini: Advanced Motion Graphics, and actually in the first part of that course, we cover the wire solver in detail and build a really elaborate…
