From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Light types: Distant

Light types: Distant

- [Narrator] Now we are going to take a look at how we create a distant light. So I'm going to go up to our Lights and Cameras tab and I'm going to grab a distant light and I'm just going to drop this in the scene. And now a distant light is a very interesting and very useful light in that it actually doesn't matter where in the scene it is. It's basically a sunlight that we can rotate around and basically cast like infinite light coming from somewhere on to things. It doesn't have a cone like a spot light or a certain radius like a point light. Basically we can think of it as a sun light that we can position around. So what we are going to do here is, first I'm going to hit escape to go in to view mode, hit W to go to wire frame mode and here we go. We can see this distant light here. So with that selected, I'm going to select it, I'm going to turn on its manipulator here and you can see that we can rotate this. I really like Houdini's rotation manipulators. They're very intuitive…
