From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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- [Narrator] The Houdini interface is made up of a series of panes. And panes are simply these various quadrants we have that have different tabs in them, that show us different parts of our scene, different parameters, different bits of data associated with what we're doing. So the great thing in Houdini is this is all very customizable and this is all very modular. No tab or pane has anything magical or specific about it. This, for example, we're looking at right now is just the basic default setup that Houdini starts with. We can do whatever we want here. So where it says Scene View, this isn't some special customized OpenGL view that this window has to be. I could right-click here and change this to Network View. And now we're seeing the contents of our network which is just mirrored over here. So this is all just super modular. Now often, you want to change not only what tab you're looking at, but you actually just also want to change the layout of these panes, depending on your…
