From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Import Alembic

Import Alembic

- [Instructor] We've seen how to write out an Alembic file out of Houdini maintaining our groups by turning them into a name attribute. Now I'm going to show you how we can just read that Alembic file back in. So we're going to go into the model geometry object here and this is the set up we had before we had written out our Alembic file, and now we're going to read it in. So I'm going to hit Tab A-L-E-M, get Alembic, lay that down, and now I'm going to navigate to my file. I'm going to go to Desktop Exercise Files Chapter Two, abc, and we'll put the display flag on that. And you can see that actually the objects that have moved down, so we just need to turn off transform geometry to world space so everything is back to where it was in that Alembic file. And there we go. So now if I middle mouse click here, you can see also that when this is imported by default it imports these as packed Alembics. Similar to a packed geometry file in Houdini. And this allows for very…
