From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Caching particles

Caching particles

- [Instructor] Now we've refined our particle simulation a bit, I'm going to play this out here and you can see that we added some noise into our particles and we've had error resistance too, so it slowed them down, we're getting this nice pretty cool languid fluidity simulation and we also added a pop color node so we could get a black to white ramp over their edge. So now that's all set up, this is going to work for us for this particular project and so now we're going to cache these particles out. So I'm going to go into my particle result node and this was the node that automatically got created and so let me just play this out and see what's going on. So now we have this dop IO node that got automatically created that is reading the particles out of the dop network and you can see this has a path to geometry file and this has some same and load to file options and so you can do all your caching right within this node. I'll be honest I tend to do this with a separate file cache…
