From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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RBD active node

RBD active node

- [Instructor] Okay so we've refined our simulation quite a bit and we changed a bunch of parameters within our simulation. We've added some drag to it with this pop drag node. And so let me just press play and play this back and we're going to discuss what we're going to do here. This as we saw in the last video we have this issue where the wall starts falling down before the projectiles actually hit it. So we see that we get a little bit of this fall and then at frame 18 it's actually hit. What I'm going to show you is how we can key frame the active state of this object on at a certain frame or off at a certain frame. So under the wall I'm going to right click and I'm going to type RBD and I want to get an RBD key frame active node. Okay and I'm going to bring that up. So all we're worried about in this one is this active value right here this one. So and this is another thing we haven't looked at before yet is in the lower right corner you see we've had it on auto update the whole…
