From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Creating attributes

Creating attributes

- [Instructor] Now, we're going to take a look at the concept of attributes in Houdini. And attributes are another fundamental concept just like groups, that we use all the time for all sorts of different things. There's a number of ways they can be created and manipulated, and we're just going to dive in and take a look at what they are. So I'm going to go into my model object here, hit escape to get to view mode, and what we're going to do is, I'm going to middle-mouse click on this merge1. And you can see, we have this area here that we haven't really talked about yet where it says 2 Point Attrs, which is just short-hand for attributes. And right now, the attributes on these points are at the position, and this will always be there with geometry, this P attribute, and then we have a Cd attribute, which stands for color data, and this is the color that we've assigned using some color nodes, just so we can visualize these objects in the viewport. So point attributes can be everything…
