From the course: Houdini Essential Training

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Importing animation into CHOPS

Importing animation into CHOPS - Houdini Tutorial

From the course: Houdini Essential Training

Importing animation into CHOPS

- [Instructor] Now we're going to take a look at a very cool unique thing we can do in Houdini where we take animation we've created by hand, bring it into CHOPS, process it, and then bring it back out and apply it to geometry. And this can be great when you want to hand animate the basic part of this or in movement but then you want to add in some organic randomness to that or any sort of other little thing to do procedurally on top of hand animated animation. So I'm going to go into my model, you can see we have a simple little setup here. And we've got our transform that we've manually keyed from before. I'm going to show you in our animation editor, now our channel's just end at frame 120 instead of going all the way to 240. So we've got our little ring that's going to rotate around and that's going to stop at frame 120. And what we're going to do is we're going to bring those rotation channels into CHOPS and we're going to add some springiness movement to them with a Spring CHOP…
